A. D50-3121 Straiko Twin Ring Forceps
Designed For the removal of the diseased Descemet’s Membrane from the patient’S eye while avoiding any disruption to the stromal bed.
The ring design on the forceps provides excellent grasping of the fine membrane and avoids engaging stromal fibers that could promote draft detachments.
Overall length:82.55 mm,3.2 inches
B. D30-3127 Sales Stripper Paddle
Double ended instrument featuring a standard Terry Reverse Sinskey Hook and paddle for Descemet’s membrane removal.
Both tips are shaped to easily through a 1.0mm side port incision.The curved tip of the paddle is designed wipe the Descemet’s membrane from the patient’s cornea without roughening the underlying stroma.
The textured surface of the tip is designed to engage the Descemet’s membrane effectively in cases of Fuchs dystrophy or pseudophakic keratopathy. The mirrored surface of the paddle can be used to inspect for those tags of Descemet’s Membrane. Overall length:119mm , 4.7 inches.
C.D30-3128 Fogla DM Stripping Hook
Designed for removing unhealthy Descemet’s Membrane (DM) During DSEK, DSAEK and DMEK surgery. It features a round , ball taped tip bent upwards at a 90* angle and tip is designed to prevent damage to corneal stromal fibers when passed against the cornea to break DM. In addition, it is designed to ensure the inner surface of the cornea remains smooth during this process thus showing proper positioning of donor tissue and minimizing the surface of donor detachment. Overall length: 114.3 mm, 4.5 inches.
D.D70-4917 Straiko Dmek Cannula
Designed to assist in unrolling the donor tissue by tapping the cornea in DMEK surgery. The cannula also allows adjust of anterior chamber depth with the addition and removable fluid. Overall length excluding hub: 23mm, 0.9 inches.
E.D70-4918 Fogla DMEK Cannula
Designed to assist unrolling the Descemet’s membrane after insertion in the patient’s eye. The small guage allows it to be slipped in tight tissue rolls and the cross ports facilitate cornea bursts of fluids laterally to open the scroll. 27 guage. Overall length excluding hub : 23mm, 0.9 inches.
Tags: DMEK SURGERY SET, Straiko Twin Ring Forceps, Sales Stripper Paddle, Fogla DM Stripping Hook,